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"I pray that you might know what is the exceeding greatness of his power that is towards you who believe, according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead. "

Eph 1:19-20

Working in someone who believes in Christ is the exceeding greatness of Gods mighty, unlimited power. In fact the same power that raised up Jesus from the dead and that set him on the right hand of almighty God.
Think of that when your feeling week and not up to the tasks of another day, week or year. You have incredible backup and support right here on the inside of you.
Paul said that "I am fully persuaded that nothing can separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus"
Are you? Are you convinced of the immeasurable love of God towards you? For with that love came the spirit of God into our hearts to empower us to be the victors over life's battles.
Tapping into the exceeding greatness part is often our problem but the resource from God is there within us, we just need to make the right connection with God.
We do that by getting alone with him into his presence to pray and seek him. He says that if we come to him, to his presence, to his word then we would find the help and the answers in times of need but I believe that it shouldn't be just when we need something that we turn up.
Everyday we should be building a strong and lasting relationship towards him, finding out just what he has made available to us, learning what's right to do and what's wrong for our spiritual health and enjoying being in his presence.
God wants us to enjoy the life he's given us and so maximize the joy by living attached to his spirit and his power. This year ahead is a clean page waiting to be written upon. Let God be the one who writes his goodness and favor over you rather than the unpleasant handwriting of the enemy. Paul said that we should let God have such an effect upon us that the very world around us gets condemned by the way we are living and is either silenced in its criticism or turns to God as well!
Let God empower your life this year with his exceeding, unlimited, immeasurable love and power and see great things in your life and the life of others.


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