Today is about finding your hero and following them. And we all need one. Football players need one. Actors need one. Doctors, writers, airline pilots, they all need a hero, and so do you. You need your spiritual hero to follow. That man who makes you sit back in your seat and say “Wow, I wonder if I could of done that.” Truth is, many of you may never have been able to do that, because it was God who made them able to do that. But here’s what I’m going to tell you. That’s okay!

I’m going to start off by picking three names. Peter, Paul and David. And I’m going to ask you to look in the Bible and see something about them all. They all had God place people on earth to help them. David had the men who helped him in the wilderness, the mighty men who helped him in battle, he had Jonathan who warned him of the danger from his father Saul. These where all people God put in place to assist him. 
Peter and Paul had men and woman who fed, clothed and housed them. They supported them, not with grumbling and anger, but with Joy and happiness. Because they where responsive to God, they where doing all that they could to further the men that where their hero’s, and by extension, they where using them to become better men and woman of God. They may not of been the hero, but they where living up to their potential. They where supporting the men and woman of God who had been anointed and empowered to be incredible. 

There are many cogs in a clock, the most important is the one on the front of the clock, or you don’t get to see the time. But without the cogs inside, without the unseen mechanism, these hands just stay in one place. Those unknown men who had hearts so receptive enough to God, that they could recognize the leaders amongst them, honor them, and help them, they where important people too. These people where the cogs that God put in place to help people like Paul, David and Peter.
So if you aren’t the Paul or Peter or David, then why is that so bad? So long as your living up to the most you can be. That’s the important part. You can only become as much as God has planned for you to be. If everyone was the hero, who would there be to think of him as a hero?

In Paul’s life, David’s life, Peter’s life, there was God’s hand. But not always in the places we choose to see it. When we hear about God stepping in and helping someone, we often think about a sheet of flame falling from heaven and engulfing a gunman who’s about to kill you. Or a magic envelope showing up full of gold to save you from destitution. But why is it that it has to be so melodramatic? Instead of a sheet of flame. God could of put a police officer to come round that corner and save you. He could just as easily make it so you’ll find a job and be able to pay off those bills that are mounting one. God often makes it so that there are situations that don’t just benefit him, but others too. I can hear you all thinking, “where is he going with this”. Well let’s put it this way. God could of given Paul a sack of money the size of a house. But did he? No. What did he do? He put it upon other people to support Paul, to help Paul, and by extension, to improve their spiritual life by doing so. Those people benefitted from being able to support them. Giving of their time, food, money and possessions was their way of serving the kingdom. Those who couldn’t make the sacrifices that Paul could, those who didn’t have the anointing that he had, they could only do as much as they could do. That was support them, walk with them, help them, and do the best they could to follow their examples.

So what the important thing for you to be doing? I’ll tell you, it’s to look at your life and check that you are doing all that you can in your spiritual existence to become the best you can possibly be. But what areas of you life can you do more in? Use your hero to help you figure it out. Use him as the mark of greatness that you may never attain, but you should always aim for. Do your best. That is all you can do. That’s all David did, that’s all Peter did and that’s all Paul did. Be all you can be.

Written by Nate