Finding peace on earth is something that is very important to all of us. You can have all of the wealth in the world, all the celebrity status in the world, but if you don’t have peace, then life will be a very rocky road. So today we’re looking at the commodity of peace. We have a audio, taking you through a guided introduction to learning to be still and sense the peace of God, and a encouraging article, on the importance of peace in your life.

When listening to the audio, try to ensure that you've switched your cellphone off, and as much as possible, aren’t going to be interrupted by Kids, Dogs, or any other sundry forms of distraction. 

Don’t have your expectations so high, that you just listen once to the audio, and think that it’s of no use to you. If your truly feel that you don’t need this kind of guidance, that’s fine, just leave it. But if you practice the exercise on a regular basis, then you will find it easier to be still, and receive from God.