Truck on a road

Hi everyone. Welcome to on the road, and some hopefully helpful thoughts about your journey through life.
We've all got a race to run, it takes a multitude of different shapes and forms depending on each of our particular circumstances, but one thing we have in common with each other, we're all saved by the grace of God!
That grace is what I want to bring to your minds and hearts as it's a vital part of making a success out of our lives.
For example if you make a mistake or are less than perfect, as we all are I might add, then who comes along to sort us out, dust us off and set us back on our little feet again ready for another bash at the mountain? That's correct it's Gods grace!
God's grace is undeserved and unearned, therefore it's nothing to do with us. It's unmerited favour, a wonderful gift to frail, mistake making humanity, but non the less a vital part of Gods plan to get us safely and successfully to the end of our journey.

If I've thought this once I've thought this dozens of time through my life, but for the grace of God where would I have been? if God hadn't cut in at the right moment and pulled me out from under an awful situation.
I remember being somewhere in the region of six or seven and my parents had pulled into a roadside garage off a motorway for some fuel. I wanted out of the car, being in a particularly precocious state of mind and started to open the door. I was told not too but the door had been opened so that it was only just catching. So fuelled up, parents and yours truly pulled put of the service station onto the main road just as I leaned on the half open door. Yes you guessed it, open came the door and out popped me onto the main road with a large truck bearing down upon me. It came to a screeching halt over me as I heard my mum scream!
Talk about the grace of God! I was pulled out unhurt but for a few bumps and scratches and was delivered up safe from a potential quick end!
Gods grace as I say is so vital to yours and my journey. It's the work of the grace of his Holy Spirit in our lives that perfects Gods plan over our us to bring us into the fulness of what he wants us to become.
We're all a work in progress, but it's his grace that will get us to the finish line and the prize that awaits us. Don't set out on your road in life, without the amazing grace and power of the Holy Ghost, it just ain't safe!