What a week! Ever felt like your rushed? Ever felt that there just isn't enough time or days in a week to fit everything in that you'd planed to do? Well if your like me and constantly on the go, then it's important to just slow the pace down every once in a while and try and chill out. Relaxing can actually seem like an effort all by its own. I'm fairly sure that's not how it's MEANT to go, but in our busy lives, finding ways to chill out is very beneficial for our physical health and also our spiritual. Let's face it, when we get busy, one of the first things to suffer is our spiritual health. We effectively begin to ignore the care of that most important area. Once we lose our inner peace and contact with God, everything else suffers. Being a complete man or woman requires a cared for soul!! And no matter how much emphasis we put on our physical self (e.g. cleaning, clothing, feeding, preening), we must remember that when we stop taking care of our inner man, or woman, we are not doing ourselves any favours. Remember that God made man a living soul as he breathed life into us, and it was to save our souls that Jesus came. Our flesh is temporary, but our spirit is eternal, and God, though interested in everything about us, wants to make sure the eternal bit gets some attention. So there's a need to relax not only our physical body's by slumping into an easy chair with a coffee, (actually that may wind you up) but there's a great need to spiritually detox, unwind and chill out in Gods presence and allow him to clear your head (so to speak), from all the noise and junk that our poor souls are bombarded with every day.

Let's face it, there's a lot of things that go on around us every day that can produce stress within our hearts and create negative effects that we can well do without. Fortunately for us though, Gods Spirit gets to work to undo the harmful effects of the world upon us, and he feeds us and strengthens us with his word. Cleansing and detoxing our soul from things that if left, begin to bring us down. So like me, take a time out and get refreshed in Gods presence! Feel his joy, regain your peace, understand afresh the love he's got for you. Know the cleansing effect of his word over the areas that have become muddied up by enemy action, and all in all, just chill out and relax into the warm embrace of his spirit within us!

Boy it's so good to get into Gods presence and just to soak up his life and the freedom his anointing brings! Gods good and he's waiting to share that goodness with YOU as you chill in his presence!

Have a good one.